A drawing with all default values properly set, is set-up automatically. SETUP: To draw an Isometric Drawing, first run this option from ISO button menu and select North Direction. Once you select it, you can get all the options available. You can select the type of Standard and system you want to use. Price will be double the indicated price. Sourse programs for all the above are also available for sale. Piping Isometrics for ASME + Tri-Clover + Victaulic Fittings US$ 70 or Rs. Piping Isometrics for ASME Fittings US$ 50 or Rs. Professional Charges for CAD Ad-on Software for ĪSME, Triclover and Victaulic package Bought so far by 41 parties Iso package will be loaded, and start using iso program, by typing iso and press. Once it is set up, open trial.dwg and, at command prompt type (load "iso") and press. Open Files tab (if not open) -> + of Support File Search Path -> Add -> Browse -> Select the folder, select apply and close. To set up program, while running CAD program (it can not run in AutoCAD LT), at command prompt type _options (or _preferences) and press. To run program, unzip openpipe.zip and copy files in a folder, say iso. There is no setup.exe file as in other packages. The openpipe.zip file contains all program files. To try the program, send a request for trial package. PROGRAM for PIPING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS can not run on Autocad LT.

The program is specifically written for any CAD program. PROGRAM for PIPING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS supports screen, buttons and icon menus, as well as, dialogue boxes.

PIPING ISOMETRICS PROGRAM can run on Personal Computers, on a Pentium system with 32 MB RAM. The drawing can be converted to Microstation DGN format. Special Dialogue Boxes are created to make the program more user friendly. The different piping entities are arranged on layers 1 to 6 (which is compatible with Microstation). Since the program is written in LISP, you can even modify PROGRAM for PIPING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS further as per your choice. The Iso program is totally based on LISP programs and there are only 4 small symbols or blocks to be inserted as in other programs, due to which there is a lot of saving of Disk space as well as the drawing also has very small size. 4 Programs of OpenPipe are such customized programs. Most CAD packages are prepared in such a manner that these can be easily customized.